1 O come for the master is calling, as when
He calmed the wild waters, and walked among men,
As when the brave fishers of Galilee's spread,
Obeyed without question His lightest command
He calls thee to battle for truth and the right,
To do what thy hands find to do with thy might.
To do what thy hands find to do with thy might.
2 He calls thee to wrestle with sin in the heart,
To rule thine own spirit wherever thou art,
To strive with the passions the tempters to ill,
And hold them as captives, as slaves of thy will;
To work while the day lasts, then cometh the night.
To do what thy hands find to do with thy might.
Chorus: To do what thy hands find to do with thy might.
3 O hasten to join in this holiest strife,
For brief is the day, and the conflict of life,
And when it is certain, if lost or if won,
The spirit looks backward on what has been done;
Then hark to the master's call fight the good fight,
And do what thy hands find to do with thy might.
And do what thy hands find to do with thy might.
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #132