1 Oh, come and praise the Lord today,
And together laud His name;
Break forth in joyful melody,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Lift up your hands and bless the Lord,
Oh, shout for joy, His praises sing;
Lift holy hands and bless the Lord,
Glory, glory, to our King!
2 All ye that feel His mighty love,
And the Spirit’s burning fire,
Oh, sound the praises of the Lord,
That His wondrous works inspire. [Refrain]
3 Ye happy pilgrims, let us sing,
And be joyful in the Lord,
Who saved us from the night of sin,
In the light of heaven’s word. [Refrain]
4 Oh, sing like thunder’s mighty sound,
Sing the story of the blood;
Salvation tidings echo round,
Glory, glory be to God! [Refrain]
Evening Light Songs, 1987 (Timeless Truths)