1 O Christ, our God, who with Thine own hast been,
Our spirits cleave to Thee, the Friend unseen.
2 Vouchsafe that all who on Thy bounty feed
May heed Thy love, and prize Thy gifts indeed.
3 Make every heart that is Thy dwelling-place
A watered garden filled with fruits of grace.
4 Each holy purpose help us to fulfil;
Increase our faith to feed upon Thee still.
5 Illuminate our minds, that we may see
In all around us holy signs of Thee.
6 And may such witness in our lives appear,
That all may know Thou hast been with us here.
7 O grant us peace, that by Thy peace possessed,
Thy life within us we may manifest.
8 So shall we pass our days in holy fear,
In joyful consciousness that Thou art near.
9 So shalt Thou be for ever, loving Lord,
Our Shield and our exceeding great Reward.
Source: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist Church #463