1 O Christ of pure and perfect love,
Look on this sin-stained heart of mine!
I thirst thy cleansing grace to prove,
I want my life to be like thine.
O see me at thy footstool bow,
And come and sanctify me now!
2 What is it keeps me out of all
1 The love and faith and fire I need?
O drive thy foes from out my soul
Whate’er it cost, howe’er I bleed!
No sin-cursed thing shall I allow
If thou wilt sanctify me now.
3 In vain my fearful heart points back
To failures in dark days gone by;
These shall not drive me from the track
Of heavenly flame once more brought nigh.
To keep thy grace thou’lt show me how,
So come and sanctify me now.
4 O pour on me the cleansing flood,
Nor let thy side be cleft in vain!
‘Tis done, I feel the precious blood
Does purge and keep from every stain.
To all the world I dare avow
That Jesus sanctifies me now.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #440