1 Oh, brother, which side of the Lord will you stand,
In the day when the judgment has come,
When the Lord shall come forth, with the book in His hand,
To reckon with ev'ry one.
Oh, where will you stand,
Oh, where will you stand, you stand,
When the Lord shall come forth,
With the book in His hand,
To reckon with ev'ry one.
2 The day of the Lord is most certain to come,
And in judgment we all must appear,
Where Christ will be judge of the quick and the dead,
Oh, brother, you too will be there. [Chorus]
3 The refuge of lies will be then swept away,
The secrets of hearts be made known,
The Master will say to the faithful, well done,
To the wicked, depart and be gone. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #15