1 O blessed Jesus, Lamb of God,
Who hast redeemed us with thy blood,
From sin and death and shame;
With joy and praise thy people see
The crown of glory worn by thee,
And worthy thee proclaim.
2 Head of the church: thou sittest there,
Thy bride shall all thy glory share,--
Thy fullness, Lord, is ours:
Our life thou art--thy grace sustains,
Thy strength in us the victory gains
O'er sin and Satan's powers.
3 Soon shall the day of glory come,
Thy bride shall reach the Father's home,
And all thy beauty see;
And, oh, what joy to see thee shine,
To hear thee own us, Lord, as thine,
And ever dwell with thee!
Source: Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs ancient & modern (Abr. ed.) #220