1 O blessed Christ, to Thee I come,
Great is Thy mercy, Lord, forever;
Come I, my Saviour, now to Thee,
Grant never-ending pardon to me:
Be Thou my strength, be Thou my stay,
Safe to Thy haven guide Thou my way.
2 O blessed Christ, to Thee I come,
Grant me forgiveness sweet, forever;
Keen is my sorrow for the past,
On Thee my burden, Saviour, I cast:
O Christ, my hope, hear Thou my cry,
Save or I perish, save or I die.
3 O blessed Christ, to Thee I come,
Thy holy name I’ll praise forever;
Now I can say by faith divine
Thou hast redeemed me, Lord, I am Thine:
Thou art my strength, Thou art my all,
Filled with Thy fulness I cannot fall.
4 O blessed Christ, to Thee I come,
Grant me Thy loving smile forever;
Oh, may I yet, with love untold,
In yonder mansion Thy face behold:
There trace Thy hand in all my life,
And know the meaning, Lord, of its strife.
Source: Hallowed Hymns, New and Old: for use in prayer and praise meetings, evangelistic services, sunday schools, young people's societies and all other departments of church work #70