1 O blessed Babe divine,
What offerings shall we give Thee?
The gold of faith be Thine:
For we will still believe Thee.
O fill our eager hearts
With Thy refreshing grace,
And make them fit to be
Thy chosen dwelling-place.
2 Let frankincense aspire,
Pure sighs of sweetest savor,
Which pine with fond desire'
To find Thy gracious favor.
O make them purer yet,
And send Thy Spirit down,
The altar of our hearts
With holy fire to crown.
3 And myrrh, too, we prepare,
Our bitter tribulation,
Such grief as Thou didst bear
For us and our salvation.
Be strength and courage ours
In toll and tears and pain,
With Thee to wear the yoke,
The cross with Thee sustain.
4 Lo, all of ours is Thine,
Each hope and thought and feeling:
Come, blessed Babe divine,
Thyself in us revealing.
To Thee, and God in Thee,
Our dearest wishes tend:
O make us thine and His
Through ages without end.
Source: The Lutheran Hymnary #222