1 O behold the harvest field! what a rich and golden yield
Is presented at this moment to our view!
And the Master waiting stands, stretching out inviting hands,
Calling, calling day and night to me and you.
There is work in the harvest field to do;
There is work, yes, my brother, work for you:
There's abundant work for all who will heed the Saviour's call.
Work abundant in the harvest field to do!
2 O then let us heed the cry ere the season has past by,
And the precious crop has perished that we've tilled,
Let us rise and gather in ev'ry soul we can from sin.
Till the garner of salvation has been filled. [Refrain]
3 Trusted laborers are few; brother, can the Lord trust you?
Do you love Him? do you love the souls of men?
Then arise and go to work! do not longer idly lurk!
Hasten, brother, let us bring the harvest in! [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #135