1 O beautiful Bethlehem, home of the Lord,
What a joy and what glory were thine!
Although there is blessing that reacheth to all,
He crown’d thee with honor divine.
O beautiful Bethlehem, lovely and fair,
The joy of thy wonderful night
Is thrilling our hearts with its rapture today,
With praises and songs of delight.
2 He chose for his cradle the arms of thy love,
A manger his sacred abode!
The child who was born to redeem us from sin,
Immanuel, Son of the Lord! [Refrain]
3 The heart that receives him as Master and Lord
Must lowly and reverent be,
And noble and worthy, in palace or stall,—
O Bethlehem, like unto thee! [Refrain]
4 A light doth surround thee, O Bethlehem fair,
Thou home of the Savior divine!
That far o’er the world, in its radiance bright,
With glory increasing doth shine. [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 3 #57