1. O all ye monarchs of the earth,
Unto Jehovah give,
Glory, and power, to God ascribe,
From whom ye yours receive.
2. Give to the Lord, the honors due
Unto his glorious name;
Within his sacred courts bow down
And celebrate his fame.
3. God's voice asunder bursts the clouds,
And down the waters shower;
The God of glory thunders loud;
Great waters own his power.
4. Resistless power attends his voice;
With majesty he speaks:
5. Jehovah's voice the cedars rends,
Proud Lebanon's cedars breaks.
6. He tears them from their roots, and makes
Them, like a calf, to skip;
Like a young unicorn, the mounts,
Lebanon, and Syrion, leap.
7. Jehovah's voice strikes flames of fire;
And lightnings blaze around.
8. The desert trembles at the roar;
Ee'n Kadesh, with the sound.
9. The frightened hinds then cast their young;
He lays the forest bare:
His glory in his house they praise.
Which storms themselves declare.
1O. The Lord sits sovereign o'er the floods;
And reigns forever King.
11 . The Lord will give his people strength;
Them blessed peace will bring.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752