1 Now that the daystar glimmers bright,
We suppliantly pray
That he, the uncreated Light,
May guide us on our way.
2 No sinful word, nor deed of wrong,
Nor thoughts that idly rove,
But simple truth be on our tongue,
And in our hearts be love.
3 And while the hours in order flow,
O Christ, securely fence
Our gates, beleaguered by the foe,
The gate of every sense. A-men.
4 And grant that to thine honor, Lord,
Our daily toil may tend;
That we begin it at thy word,
And in thy favor end.
5 To God the Father glory be,
And to his only Son,
And to the Spirit, One and Three,
While endless ages run.
Source: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #211