1 Now shall our tongues with rapture tell,
How Jesus conquer'd death and hell,
When on the cross he died:
His spoil we are, he'll not deny,
But own us to eternity
As his lov'd, chosen bride.
2 His mystery, his death and blood,
Hath reconcil'd us all to God;
His glory hides our shame:
Whilst Christ is God's beloved son,
We live with him for ever one,
In sonship, grace and name.
3 That he might equitably bleed,
He took upon him Abrah'm's seed,
Then to the altar went;
Whilst in this Lamb to slaughter led,
The sinner bare on his own head
His sin, and punishment.
4 Nor will he us in trials leave,
But still is with us strong to save;
Whilst we on earth remain:
In him our life, our all is found;
Than sin, his grace did more abound,
Reveal'd when he was slain.
5 How rich the love, dear God, that we
Should be belov'd, belov'd by thee,
And sav'd from all our shame:
With joy we'll praise thee, 'till we die,
And after death eternally
Adore, thy balmy name.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCV