1. Now may your servant, Lord,
According to your word,
Depart in exultation.
My rest shall be serene,
For now my eyes have seen
Your wonderful salvation.
2. You did for all prepare
This gift, so great, so rare,
That peoples might adore you,
A light to show the way
To nations gone astray,
And unto Israel's glory.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #36
First Line: | Now may your servant, Lord |
Title: | Song of Simeon |
Versifier: | Dewey Westra (1931, alt.) |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Article: | "The Song of Simeon" by Emily R. Brink (from The Hymn) |
Scripture References:
st. 1 = Luke 2:29-30
st. 2 = Luke 2:31-32
Recorded in Luke 2:29-32, Simeon's song is the final (fourth) "great" canticle in Luke 1-2 (see also 212, 213, and 214). This song of joy and peace is part of the gospel account of the presentation of Jesus in the temple, involving first Simeon and then Anna (w. 21-40), who express thanks that salvation in Christ is for Jew and Gentile alike. Simeon's song is often called the Nunc Dimittis, after its incipit in Latin. Dewey Westra (PHH 98) versified the text in Detroit in 1931 for the 1934 Psalter Hymnal; it was revised slightly for the 1987 edition.
The Nunc Dimittis has traditionally been paired with the Magnificat for Vespers or evening services and is still sung daily in churches with a tradition of daily prayer services (see 247 for more information on this tradition). John Calvin used it at the end of the Lord's Supper. In the Scottish Kirk, if communion was served at both services, Psalm 103 would be used at the end of the morning Lord's Supper and the Song of Simeon at the end of the afternoon or evening Lord's Supper.
Liturgical Use:
Suitable as a hymn for dismissal, especially after the Lord's Supper, and during Epiphany, since it brings to focus the worldwide character and task of the church. Also appropriate for funerals.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1988