Now glows the morn in beauty rare,
O haste my soul to fervent prayer,
And let the wings of morning raise
To God the tribute of thy praise.
The night is gone; now disappear
The clouds that hung in threatening near;
Day comes apace, and terrors flee,
For light illumes the earth and sea.
O soul dismayed! when darkness fills
The dismal days with darkling ills,
Rest in the calm the promise gives,
That Christ, thy Light and Glory, lives.
Morn shall appear and scatter night;
Light shall appear in noonday might.
Strong in the joy the daylight brings,
Soul, thou shalt rise on glowing wings.
Morn of my soul, O Christ, Thou art;
Light of my life; my drooping heart
Sings, when Thy countenance benign
Shines as the joys of noonday shine.
Hymns from the East, 1907