1 Now, brethren, to your homes repair;
And, as you pass along,
Employ your hearts in humble prayer,
And raise the cheerful song.
2 Praise God for what your ears have heard,
For what your eyes have seen;
Praise him for what has here occurred,
For all you feel within.
3 Improve the strength you here have gained,
To do God's holy will;
Improve the knowledge here attained,
To love and serve him still.
4 Let not the world have cause to say
You've served your God for naught;
But grow in grace, from day to day,
As you have here been taught.
5 Farewell! and to your homes repair;
And, as you pass along,
Employ your hearts in humble prayer,
And raise to God a song.
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #1019