1 Now at the Lamb’s imperial feast,
In robes of snowy whiteness dressed,
The Red Sea past, high songs we sing
Of triumph to th’anointed King.
2 For us His charity divine
The blood-cup drank of bitter wine:
For us His limbs extended lay,
A sacrifice for love to slay.
3 With blood the sprinkled door posts red
Th’avenging angel sees with dread:
Apart the startled waves divide,
Pours o’er the foe the refluent tide.
4 Now Christ our Passover we claim:
The same the sacrifice; the same,
Pure to the pure of heart and dear,
Th’unleavened bread of truth sincere.
5 O Thou, true sacrifice from Heav’n,
To whom the key of hell is giv’n,
By whom the thralls of death unchained,
By whom the prize of life regained!
6 Victor of hell’s infernal holds,
His trophies Christ revived unfolds;
And to the heavens’ admiring gaze
The captive king of night displays.
7 That with delight our hearts may burn,
Lord, at Thy paschal feast’s return,
O, dead to sin, thy servants give
New born in righteousness to live.
8 Be the Almighty Father praised;
The Son, who from the dead was raised;
And, the full Godhead to complete,
The Holy Ghost, the Paraclete!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11937