1 Nothing held back from Thee, Jesus, my King!
All to Thine altar, so gladly I bring!
All for Thy service, yes, all to be Thine!
All for Thy glory, O Savior Divine.
Nothing held back!
Nothing held back!
All on Thy altar I lay;
All for Thy blessed service—
Savior I bring today.
2 Nothing held back from Thee! Jesus, I pray,
Take me and make me Thine wholly today;
Take Thou my service, tho’ poor it may be,
Savior, dear Savior, I bring it to Thee. [Refrain]
3 Nothing held back from Thee, Jesus, no sin—
All I surrender; O Master come in;
Let Thy sweet presence now dwell in my soul,
Jesus my Savior take perfect control. [Refrain]
4 Nothing held back! on Thee, Jesus, I call;
Thou blessed Savior, so worthy of all;
Loving and dying on Calvary’s tree,
Giving Thy precious last blood drop for me. [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #135