1 Nothing but blood, the precious blood
Of Christ, can purge the soul from sin;
He freely gave the cleansing flood,
And all are saved who trust therein.
Above the silver and the gold,
And all the wealth of worlds untold,
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Is still the gift of love unpriced.
2 And they who would atonement buy,
With wealth or works, but build in vain;
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die,”
Except the blood has cleansed the stain. [Refrain]
3 Without the blood there cannot be
Remission from the guilt of sin;
But Calv’ry’s fount is flowing free
To any who will trust therein. [Refrain]
4 O, unsaved one, this word believe
“For the ungodly Jesus died,”
And thus, thro’ faith, the gift receive,
And “by the blood be justified.” [Refrain]
Source: Evangelistic Songs #23