1 Not the might of long-drilled warriors,
With their discipline and skill,
Not the shot and shell of canon
Put the foe to flight at will.
Just with trumpets, and with pitchers, and with lamps,
The army wrought dismay;
Just with trumpets, and with pitchers, and with lamps,
Our great Jehovah won the day!
Just with trumpets, and with pitchers, and with lamps,
The army wrought dismay;
Just with trumpets, and with pitchers, and with lamps,
Jehovah won the day.
2 Not the boasted skill of soldiers
Won for them that victory;
Not the might of man in triumph,
Set the persecuted free. [Refrain]
3 Oft today in giant struggles
God has shown His pow’r and might;
Using simple things to aid Him,
Foes dismayed are put to flight. [Refrain]
Source: Williston Hymns #170