1 Not ours the glory make,
Lord, give not us the fame;
but for thy truth and mercy's sake
ascribe it to thy name!
2 To say, Where is their God,
why should the heathen dare?
Since he in heaven hath his abode,
and works his pleasure there.
3 Men's hand their idols make
of silver and of gold;
mouths have they, but they cannot speak;
eyes, but they nought behold.
4 Their ears are senseless too;
their nostrils smelling not;
their hands and feet nor feel nor go,
nor speak they through their throat.
5 All those who them adore,
or form them, like them be;
O Israel, trust God evermore,
for our defence is he.
6 On God, who shields the just,
let Aaron's house depend;
let those who fear him in him trust,
for he will such defend.
7 God hath remembers us,
and will his mercy show;
on Israel, and on Aaron's house,
he blessings will bestow.
8 Of high and low degree,
all those that him adore
he keeps; and you and yours shall he
increase yet more and more.
9 Blest of the Lord are ye,
who made both earth and heaven;
heaven for himself created he,
but earth to men hath given.
10 Their voice they cannot raise,
who down to silence go;
but we, from this time forth, his praise
for evermore will show.
Source: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P115b