1 Not now, not now, and can it be
That any soul to Christ will say,
Some other time I’ll yield to Thee,
Some other more convenient day,
Some other more convenient day.
Just now, oh, soul today,
Throw open wide the door;
Invite the Savior in to stay,
Your royal Guest forever more.
2 With marvelous patience o’er and o’er,
The Spirit with thy soul has striv’n,
But barred and bolten was the door,
And no admittance hast thou giv’n,
And no admittance hast thou giv’n. [Refrain]
3 Not now, and shall it ever be,
That thou wilt still unsaved remain,
As far as it concerneth thee,
That Jesus shed His blood in vain,
That Jesus shed His blood in vain. [Refrain]
4 Just now thy stubborn heart relents
And gives the long-fought battle o’er;
Now of the sinful pasts repents,
To Christ throws open wide the door,
To Christ throws open wide the door. [Refrain]
Source: Calvary's Praises #19