1 Not for tomorrow, but today,
I humbly pray;
Lord, keep me from the sinful way,
Just for today!
Just for today,
Just for today:
Oh, keep me from the sinful way,
Just for today!
2 Help me Thy precious word to heed,
Prompt to obey,—
To love and serve my Lord indeed,
Just for today!
Just for today,
Just for today:
Let me be kind in word and deed,
Just for today!
3 Let me no wrong or idle word
Unthinking say;
Keep Thou my lips from speaking hurt,
Just for today!
Just for today,
Just for today:
Keep Thou my lips from evil, Lord,
Just for today!
4 Forgive: if aught should grieve Thy will,
Take it away.
My heart with grace and wisdom fill,
Just for today!
Just for today,
Just for today:
My heart with love and patience fill,
Just for today!
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #11