1 Not for the prophet tongue of fire,
Nor voice of trumpet tone,
We lift our prayer, immortal Sire,
For him before Thy throne.
2 We ask for wisdom’s gifts and grace,
The heart alive to love,
The earnest zeal to save our race,
All selfish aims above.
3 Lord, bless him now! by holy rite,
We consecrate to Thee!
Make to his eye the chief delight
Christ’s prospering work to see.
4 Bold let him be for truth and man,
For God and righteousness!
Free let him speak the Gospel plan,
And the whole truth confess.
5 Be cloud and fire about his way,
Till Canaan’s land is trod!
Then o’er his grave Thy Church shall say,
He led us to our God!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11755