1 Not by Thy mighty hand,
Thy wondrous works alone,
But by the marvels of Thy Word,
Thy glory, Lord, is known.
2 Forth from the eternal gates,
Thine everlasting home,
To sow the seed of truth below,
Thou didst vouchsafe to come.
3 And still from age to age,
Thou, gracious Lord hast been
The bearer forth of goodly seed,
The sower still unseen.
4 And Thou wilt come again,
And heaven beneath Thee bow,
To reap the harvest Thou hast sown,
Sower and reaper Thou.
5 Watch, Lord, Thou harvest-field,
With Thine unsleeping eye,
The children of the kingdom keep
To Thy Epihany;
6 That, when in Thy great day,
The tares shall severed be,
We may be surely gathered in
With all Thy saints to Thee.
The Hymnal: revised and enlarged as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892