1 Not by might or by pow’r, saith the Lord of hosts;
All in vain, O ye proud, are your haughty boasts;
For behold, in a breath He your vaunts can still,
And the works are the works of His sov’reign will.
Not by might, not by pow’r,
But by love’s sweet decree, ye shall be made free,
Not by might, not by pow’r,
Saith the conq’ring Lord of eternity.
2 Not with flash of the sword, or with rain of fire,
Shall He come to the nations, their long Desire;
Not with march of destruction, or armed fleet
Shall the Lord of the right His opposers meet. [Refrain]
3 Not with chains of the despot, or cruel wrong,
Midst the cries of the weak to the lordly strong,
But with love for the pavement before His throne,
The Lord of the nations shall claim His own. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #67