1 No one, my Lord, like thee, no one so true;
Thou never wilt forsake the journey through,
Thou art the only friend
Abiding to the end;
No friend have I like thee, no friend like thee.
2 No help, my Lord, but thee, no strength mine own,
All which by self I've wrought hath weakness shown.
With help from thee I win
Vict'ry o'er every sin;
No help have I but thee, no help but thee.
3 No guide, my Lord, like thee, my path to show;
No one to counsel me whither to go.
Thou wilt the way prepare
And go before me there;
No guide have I like thee, no guide like thee.
4 No hope, my Lord, but thee that will avail,
My claims of righteousness will not prevail.
I gain alone in thee
Life and eternity;
No hope have I but thee, no hope but thee.
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #69