“No more, on earth no more,
Shall beam for us that eye;
Closed in a strange forgetfulness
Forever it must lie.
“No more, on earth no more,
Shall we behold that face;
Within the mournful halls of death
Must be its dwelling-place.
“No more, on earth no more,
Shall those dear lips be heard;
Cold silence there hath fixed its seal,
Breathed is their latest word.”
’Tis so fond Nature mourns
Affection’s broken ties;
But Faith stands forth, she points on high,
Serenely she replies:—
“No more, in heaven no more,
That eye is dim with tears;
But bright, and brighter still, the scene
Before its view appears.
“No more, in heaven no more,
That face a shadow bears;
But looks of light, born of a bliss
Unknown to earth, it wears.
“No more, in heaven no more,
That voice is faint with pain;
It mingles with angelic bands,
In their enraptured strain.
“No more, in heaven no more,
The parting grief is known;
But love has all eternity
To look through as its own.”
Source: A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #352