1 No longer fetters bind me,
The shadows have withdrawn,
The old life is behind me,
My soul beholds the dawn?
The sinner’s friend has found me,
Supplied my ev’ry need;
His arms are still around me,
And I am blest indeed.
My soul is singing, my heart-bells ringing,
Love hides my sinful past;
A Friend has found me, redeemed, unbound me,—
‘Tis sunrise time at last!
His grace upholds me, His love enfolds me,
The sky is bright above;
My song and story, all the way to glory
Will be redeeming love.
2 No burden now I’m bearing,
With Christ I’m pressing on;
The days of my despairing
Are now forever gone;
To sin’s degrading prison
I’ve said goodby for aye;
The prodigal has risen—
Is homeward bound today. [Refrain]
3 O Friend, all friends excelling!
Love’s depthless, shoreless sea!
My heart with praise is swelling
From day to day for Thee!
Had I a thousand voices,
They all should sweetly soar
In praise of Thee, my Saviour,—
In praise, forevermore. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifting Songs #20