1 No home on earth have I,
No nation owns my soul,
My dwelling-place is the Most High,
I’m under his control.
O’er all the earth alike,
My Father’s grand domain,
Each land and sea with him alike
O’er all he yet shall reign.
No place on earth I own,
No field, no house be mine;
Myself, my all I still disown,
My God, let all be thine.
Into thy gracious hands
My life is ever placed;
To die fulfilling thy commands,
I march with bounding haste.
2 With thee, my God, is home;
With thee is endless joy;
With thee in ceaseless rest I roam;
With thee, can death destroy?
With thee, the east, the west,
The north, the south are one;
The battle’s front I love the best,
And yet: thy will be done.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #362