1 Night folds her starry curtains round,
As day hath faded on the hills,
And thro' the silence so profound,
Calm peace a fragment balm distils.
A soothing voice like incense falls,
All cares, all sorrows to beguile;
Our Lord in love and pity calls,
Come to my heart and rest awhile.
Not man, nor angel can portray,
O dearest Lord, how sweet Thou art,
To call us from our cares away,
To rest within Thy sacred heart!
2 To serve Thee, Jesus, is to reign;
Thy blessed bondage makes us free;
We count it as our highest gain,
Forsaking all to follow thee.
Thrice happy are the hours and bright
We spend beneath Thy control;
Thy yoke is sweet, Thy burden light,
Thy love the sunshine of the soul.
Not man, nor angel can portray,
O dearest Lord, how sweet Thou art,
To call us from our cares away,
To rest within Thy sacred heart!
3 O dearest Lord, our steps restrain,
That from Thy grace we ne'er depart;
And closer draw the triple chain,
That binds us to Thy Sacred Heart.
Then shall our wond'ring transports know
The blessings to Thy spouses given,
The hundred fold on earth below,
Above, the endless joys of heaven.
Source: Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year #232