1 Night and morning, Oh, my Saviour!
I will lift my heart to Thee,
When temptations dark assail me,
To Thy shelt’ring arms I’ll flee.
Oh, my Saviour! blessed Saviour!
Thou didst bear the cross for me,
‘Neath Thy wing securely hide me,
Till the tempest’s wrath shall flee.
2 Rock of refuge! strong Deliv’rer!
Tow’r of strength when foes annoy,
Present Saviour, when the tempter
Would the helpless soul destroy. [Chorus]
3 Night and morning, Oh, my Saviour!
Unto Thee for help I’ll come,
Thou wilt hear me, Thou wilt save me,
Thou, at last, wilt bring me home. [Chorus]
Source: Gems and Jewels #97