1 'Neath the King's command let us march along,
With a cheerful step and courage strong;
God has filled our hearts with a sweet new song:
Let the song ring out today.
Let the song ring out,
Angels hover round about,
Rejoice! rejoice and praise the Lord,
Let the joyful song ring out.
2 Now with gladsome hearts let us serve our King;
As we do His will and every praise and sing;
For our song may souls to the Saviour bring,
Let the song ring out today. [Chorus]
3 Let the song ring out, and be not dismayed,
Tho' the host of sin are in might arrayed;
There is life eternal for you, for me,—
Let the song ring out today. [Chorus]
4 O, rejoice! rejoice! let us grateful be
For salvation offered so full, so free;
There is life eternal, for you, for me,—
Let the song ring out today. [Chorus]
Source: Songs of Evangelism: for revival and evangelistic services; Bible schools, young people's meetings, and all occasions of Christian work and worship #120