1 Nearer to Jesus! 'tis blessed to know,
That Jesus is waiting, his grace to bestow;
Chasing the darkness, dispelling the gloom,
His presence with glory our souls doth illume.
Nearer, nearer, nearer to Jesus,
Blessed communion, our joy and our song,
Nearer, nearer, nearer to Jesus,
Praise and thanksgiving to Jesus belong.
2 Nearer to Jesus! how precious the thought,
He died to redeem us, our pardon he bought;
Blessings unnumbered we daily receive,
No good he refuses to them that believe. [Refrain]
3 Nearer to Jesus! tho’ rugged the way,
His footsteps we'll follow, his precepts obey;
Trusting his promise no danger we fear,
No ill can betide us if Jesus is near. [Refrain]
4 Nearer to Jesus! it will not be long,
Till, met in his kingdom, we sing the new song;
Joining the blood-washed, who stand near the throne,
And giving the glory to Jesus alone. [Refrain]
Source: Wondrous Love: A Collection of Songs and Services for Sunday Schools #94