1 “Nearer Thee” oh, precious feeling!
Nearer Thee in gain and loss;
Nearer Thee, when I am kneeling,
In the shadow of the cross!
Nearer Thee, O precious Savior,
Draw me nearer to Thee;
Let me feel Thy blessed favor,
Nearer, nearer, Lord, to Thee.
2 Nearer Thee, when love descending
Falls in blessing on my head;
Nearer Thee, when I am bending
O’er the graves that hide my dead. [Refrain]
3 Nearer Thee in joy, or sorrow,
‘Tis the same where’er I roam;
Nearer Thee, today, tomorrow,
Oh, my King, my Christ, my Home. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.4 #163