1 Near to thy mercy-seat, O God,
With conscious guilt I come:
No sacrifice but Jesus' blood
Can for such guilt atone.
2 Nor am I safe with such a plea,
Thought Jesus bled and dy'd;
My broken heart must healed be,
My conscience purify'd.
3 Then may I venture near thy throne,
When mercy points the way;
Then, offer incense not my own,
And humbly dare to pray.
4 How did my soul, in seasons past,
Enjoy thy gracious smiles!
So sweet thy word, so lov'd thy courts,
So hateful Satan's wiles.
5 But darkness, doubts, and ceaseless grief
Possess my weary heart:
When wilt thou come to my relief,
And bid my foes depart?
6 I cannot bear to wander thus,
And still thine absence mourn;
Assist thy humble penitent
To make a quick return.
7 Into thy blessed arms I fly;
Dear Jesus, bid me come;
My spirit sees no other rest,
My soul no other home.
Source: Society hymns, original and selected on evangelical and experimental subjects #I