1 Near the healing pool Bethesda, day by day,
Where the gentle breezes thro' the porches play,
Many weak and weary, halt and withered lay,
Waiting for the moving of the water.
Weary waiting at Bethesda's side
For the moving of the healing tide,
Lord, from Thee be all my strength supplied,
While waiting for the moving of the water.
2 So is helpless misery and sin I lie,
Hearing not the footstep of the angel nigh,
Trembling, hoping, fearing lest at last I die,
Waiting for the moving of the water. [Chorus]
3 Jesus knows the mourner's grid and hears his sighs,
Sees the look of anguish and the streaming eyes,
Kindly speaks and bids the weary suff'rer "Rise,"
Waiting for the moving of the water. [Chorus]
4 Loving, Savior, all my weakess Thou dost see,
Still Thy tender mercies, Lord, bestow on me,
Speak the word, and let me stand complete in Thee,
Waiting for the moving of the water. [Chorus]
Source: Minnetonka Songs: for Sabbath Schools, compiled especially for the Minnetonka Sabbath-School Assembly #8