Organ Moderately Easy Reformation Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $20.50 Composers represented: Burkhardt, Callahan, Clarke, Corl, Held, Hobby, Keene, Manz. Includes: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ein feste Burg (3 Settings) How Firm a Foundation Foundation Oh, Worship… | |
Piano Thanksgiving File download from Lorenz Publishing $34.95 Have you been using the same set of piano books for years? Are there seasons in the church calendar when you just can't seem to find the right selections? Then you need "The Church Pianist's Library."… | |
Piano Violin Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $32.95 Easy Hymn Settings for Solo Violin and Piano
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Piano Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Sandra Eithun’s arrangements are already well known among handbell players, and it’s now our pleasure to introduce to you her very first book of hymn arrangements for piano. Sandra’s keyboard wr… | |
Piano File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 Sandra Eithun’s arrangements are already well known among handbell players, and it’s now our pleasure to introduce to you her very first book of hymn arrangements for piano. Sandra’s keyboard wr… | |
Piano Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $16.95 Michael Larkin's piano collections have found a wide following because of his creative writing and his musical sensitivity to the needs of worshipers. | |
Piano Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 With moods ranging from introspective reflection to jubilant affirmation, these hymns settings all receive the special masterful touch of pianist/composer John Purifoy. Obviously created for use in a… | |
Piano Moderately Easy Sheet Music Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $16.95 A refreshing collection of often used hymns arranged by Penny Rodriguez in a creative way. The publication includes settings that can be used througout much of the church year.
Includes: Lead on,… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $19.00 Combining creativity with practicality, Al Travis's ability to establish the appropriate mood for the congregation shines through in this valuable collection of introductions. A great resource for all… | |
Piano File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 With moods ranging from introspective reflection to jubilant affirmation, these hymns settings all receive the special masterful touch of pianist/composer John Purifoy. Obviously created for use in a… |