1 My thankful tribute I will pay,
And offer songs of praise.
To God who guarded me this day,
And lets me know his grace.
2 Since by his mercy, love and pow'r,
I liv'd this day to spend;
And I can witness this once more,
That God has prov'd my friend.
3 My evening sacrifice shall be,
The praise and thanks I owe;
And as my God enables me,
I'll love and serve him too.
4 For all the blessings from above,
That are on me bestow'd;
My soul shall make returns of love,
To thee my gracious God.
5 O pardon me, for Jesus' sake,
What evils I have done;
Since no atonement I can make,
That I can claim or own.
6 O Guard me safely through the night
And let me rest in peace,
Until I see the morning-light,
And thank thee for thy grace.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCXLVIII