A Collection of Hymns and a Liturgy #602
Display Title: My soul with patience waits First Line: My soul with patience waits Date: 1834
A Collection of Hymns and a Liturgy #602
1 My soul with patience waits
For Thee, the living Lord:
My hopes are on Thy promise built,
Thy never failing Word.
2 My longing eyes look out
For Thy enlivening ray,
More duly than the morning watch
To spy the dawning day.
3 Let Israel trust in God;
No bounds His mercy knows;
The plenteous source and spring from whence
Eternal succour flows;
4 Whose friendly streams to us
Supplies in want convey;
A healing spring, a spring to cleanse
And wash our guilt away.
Source: The Church Hymnal: containing hymns approved and set forth by the general conventions of 1892 and 1916; together with hymns for the use of guilds and brotherhoods, and for special occasions (Rev. ed) #328
First Line: | My soul with patience waits |
Title: | My Soul With Patience Waits |
Author: | Nahum Tate |
Meter: | |
Source: | Tate & Brady, 1698 |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |