1 My soul rests only on her mighty God;
From him her safety and her strength has flow'd;
2 My rock of refuge he, my sure defence;
Hence, ye vain fears; ye idle terrors, hence!
3 Ye sons of mischief, with weak malice fraught,
How long will ye indulge each treach'rous thought!
Soon shall ye be destroy'd; ye soon shall fall,
And break to pieces, like a tumbling wall.
4 Vainly you all your empty efforts try,
To ruin him whom God exalts on high;
Vainly you false designing friendships feign;
Vain are your lies; your imprecations vain.
5 Mean while, my soul, rest on thy mighty God;
From him thy safety and thy strength hath flow'd;
6 Thy rock of refuge he, thy sure defence;
Hence ye vain fears; ye idle terrors hence!
8 On him, ye people, constantly rely;
Pour forth your hearts, he'll not the boon deny.
9 Surely the great, the proudest potentate,
And the poor wretch that mourns his abject state,
'Fore him are equal;--weigh them in the scales
With vanity, and vanity prevails.
10 Trust not in wealth, by violence obtain'd;
'Twill go as fleetly, as 'twas basely gain'd;
Riches flow in, but make them not your boast;
Swiftly they wing away, and soon are lost.
11 Once God hath spoke, and twice I've heard him say,
To him alone belongs eternal sway ;
12 And I'll avow, and speak it all abroad,
Justice and mercy both belong to God.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #LXII