I. My Soul! exalt the Lord thy God,
And all that's in me bless his Name,
Make known his wondrous Works abroad,
And oh, my Heart, retain the same;
He pardons all thy Trespasses;
Thy Frailties he repairs;
Preserves thy Life from great distress,
With mercy crowns thy Years;
He satisfies thy Mouth with Good;
Renews thine Age with Strength;
The Lord hath Judgments for the proud,
And saves th' Oppres'd at Length.
II. He has reveal'd his wondrous Ways;
By MOSES was his Justice known;
He sent the World his Truth and Grace,
By th' Incarnation of his Son.
His Anger doth abate betimes;
And when his Rod is felt,
His Strokes are fewer than our Crimes,
And lighter than our Guilt;
His Grace shall be for ever blest
With those that love his Name;
Far as the East is from the West,
He casts our Sin and Shame.
III. As Fathers, mov'd with Tenderness,
Correct their growing Children's Faults;
So chastens God, yet loves no less
Those who revere him in their Thoughts;
He knows our short and feeble Breath;
He knows we are but dust;
His rising Wrath is big with Death;
He summons, die we must:
Our transient Days pass quick away;
They're like the tender flower,
One blasting Gale, one scorching Ray
Destroys it in an Hour.
IV. But thy Compassions, Lord, endure,
Now and to all Eternity;
And All shall find thy Promise sure,
That keep thy Statutes faithfully.
The Lord, our great and glorious King,
Has fix'd his Throne on high'
Ye Angels, to his Glory sing,
And Men beneath the Sky.
Join Hearts, and Lips with one Accord,
And praise his holy Name,
My Soul, according to his Word,
Do thou repeat the same.
V. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Be Glory, Might and Majesty;
He is the God, of whom we boast;
On whose kind Promise we rely;
Let our united Zeal be shewn
His glorious Fame to raise;
For he's the God, whose Name alone
Deserves our endless Praise.
Thus we with humble Confidence
Sum up our best Desire,
And saying AMEN, in this Sense,
Our Faith shall ne'er expire.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #145
First Line: | My soul, exalt the Lord thy God |
German Title: | Nun lob mein' Seel den Herren |
Author: | Johann Poliander |
Translator: | Johann Christian Jacobi |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |