1 My Soul doth magnify
The LORD, who reigns on high;
For my GOD and Saviour, he
Regards my low Estate,
Making his Hand-Maid great,
And with Glory honours me.
2 Henceforth all Nations shall
Me ever blessed call;
For the LORD hath rais'd my Fame;
His Mercy, which shall last,
'Till Time itself is past,
Is on those who fear his Name.
3 His Strength he doth display,
To chase the Proud away,
Making all their Wishes vain;
The Haughty from their Place
His Justice shall disgrace,
But the Meek shall Honours gain.
4 To him the Hungry cry,
Who doth good Things supply,
But the Rich he sends away;
The Meek shall surely prove
His everlasting Love,
Them he hears whene'er they pray.
5 His Mercy kept in Mind,
Shall happy Isr'el find,
And his Help in Time of Need;
As to our Fathers he
By Promise did decree
Unto Abra'm and his Seed.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #471