Display Title: Mary's Song First Line: My soul doth glory in your love, O Lord Tune Title: [My soul doth glory in your love, O Lord] Author: Millie Rieth, 1940-2003 Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 Date: 2012 Subject: Humility | ; Justice | ; Love of God for Us | ; Mary | ; Praise | ; Providence | ; Rites of the Church | Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest | Act of Thanksgiving; The Liturgical Year | Mary, the Holy Mother of God; The Liturgical Year | Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12); The Liturgical Year | The Annunciation of the Lord (March 25); The Liturgical Year | The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15); The Liturgical Year | The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8)
Journeysongs (3rd ed.) #480