1 My song forever shall record
the tender mercies of the LORD;
Thy faithfulness will I proclaim,
and every age shall know Thy name.
2 I sing of mercies that endure,
forever builded firm and sure,
of faithfulness that never dies,
established changeless in the skies.
3 Behold God's truth and grace displayed,
for He has faithful cov'nant made,
and He has sworn that David's son
shall ever sit upon His throne.
4 The heav'ns shall join in glad accord
to praise Thy wondrous works, O LORD;
Thy faithfulness shall praise command
where holy ones assembled stand.
5 The heav'ns and earth, by right divine,
the world and all therein, are Thine;
the whole creation's wondrous frame
proclaim its Maker's glorious Name.
6 In vision to His saints God spake:
"From out the people one I take,
a mighty leader, true and brave,
ordained, exalted, strong to save.
7 Yea, he shall triumph in My Name,
and great shall be his pow'r and fame,
from sea to sea his mighty hand
shall hold dominion o'er the land."
8 "For him My mercy shall endure,
My cov'nant made with him is sure,
his throne and race I will maintain
forever, while the heav'ns remain."
9 On Thy anointed wrath is poured
as if Thy cov'nant were abhorred;
Thou hast profaned his kingly crown,
his matchless strength is broken down.
10 Where are Thy mercies which of old
were in Thy promises foretold?
Remember, Lord, the bitter shame
heaped on Thy own anointed's name.
11 Blest be the LORD for evermore,
whose promise stands from days of yore.
His word is faithful now as then;
blest be His Name. Amen. Amen.
Source: Psalms and Hymns to the Living God #89
First Line: | My song forever shall record |
Title: | My Song Forever Shall Record |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Scripture References:
st. 1 = Ps. 89:1
st. 2 = Ps. 89:2
st. 3 = Ps. 89:14
st. 4 = Ps. 89:15
st. 5 = Ps. 89:17-18
Originally published in the 1912 Psalter; this text is a paraphrase of select verses from Psalm 89. That psalm unites a great hymn of praise for God's faithfulness, particularly to David and his dynasty, and a prayerful lament for the downfall of Israel (see also PHH 89).
This paraphrase is taken from the psalm's first section, its hymn of praise. Stanzas 1 and 2 extol God's mercy and faithfulness, which he displays to his people at all times and in all places. Stanza 3 and 4 witness to the biblical cosmology in which God's justice and love are to be the model for the lifestyle of his people. The final stanza is a doxology.
Liturgical Use:
As a general hymn of praise at any time in the worship service; especially for occasions of worship that emphasize God's mercy, justice, and faithfulness as examples of how we as Christians should live and act in this world.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook