1 My Saviour’s call I hear,
“Stand forth, that I may bless;
Thy withered hand, thy lack of power,
Thy ever need confess.”
2 Confessing all my need,
Before Thee now I stand,
And hear Thy Voice ring strong and clear,
“Stretch forth thy withered hand.”
3 By faith I bring Thee now,
My lack of power and skill,
My withered hopes, my fruitless work,
My weak and wayward will.
4 Thy cleansing Blood now flows
O’er all the dreary past,
Abundantly Thy life is mine,
Eternally to last.
5 Engrafted in the Vine,
Abiding, Lord, in Thee,
Thy power, Thy strength, Thy fruitfulness,
I now believe to see.
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #86