1 My Savior, how Thy soul was awed,
When, hanging on the tree,
Thou criedst aloud, "My God, my God,"
Hast Thou forsaken Me?
2 When angry foes around Thee strove,
And faithless friends forsook;
And earth below, and Heaven above,
Wore one dark threatening look.
3 Beneath Thy cross, Lord, let me lie,
Thy bleeding love to view;
And weep, and watch, and pray that I
May ne’er those wounds renew.
4 Beneath Thy cross O let me lie,
And mark what Thou hast won,
And hear Thy last triumphant cry,
"’Tis done! The work is done!"
5 Lord, let my soul that triumph share;
I look to Thee to save.
Where is thy sting, O death? and where
Thy victory, O grave?