1 My Saviour has gone to prepare
A place for the child of his love,
And now he's awaiting me there,
In the house of his Father above.
2 That home is beyond the blue sky,
More bright than I ever could tell
I shall only go home, when I die,
With my Brother and Father to dwell.
3 I have treasures laid up for me there,--
A crown of the loveliest gold;
And my Father will give me to wear
A dress that will never grow old.
4 And perhaps he will give me bright wings,
To fly on long errands for him,
And a harp with its sweet-sounding strings
Which never are tuneless or dim.
5 Oh, I long for those mansions so fair,
And to join with the angels in white,
You will hear me, perhaps, when I'm there,
I shall sing out so loud with delight.
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #183e