1 My pleading cries, eternal father, hear,
O list, while I pour forth my mournful pray'r,
2 Nor from my griefs avert thy pitying eye;
For deeply I'm o'erwhelm'd in misery;
Incessant woes my anguish'd soul invade;
Propitious hear, and grant a speedy aid.
3 Like smoak, like vapours, pass my hours away;
Griefs, like slow fires, upon my vitals prey;
4 Like wither'd grass my smitten heart is grown,
Like grass that's wither'd by the scorching sun;
Fast down my cheeks the scalding tears have flow'd,
So that I've now no relish for my food'
5 My constant groans my body so consume,
That soon my shrivel'd corps will fill the tomb.
6 Just like the pelican that roves the wilds;
Like the lone owl that in the desart builds,
Like the complaining dove that mourns her mate,
Constant I wail, and brood upon my fate.
8 The bitter insults of my foes I bear,
While still they basely seek my life t' ensnare.
9 Tears make my drink, and ashes are my bread,
10 'Cause threats thy fury my devoted head;
'Cause, when from nought thou once hadst rais'd me high,
Plung'd by thy hand in deepest woe I lie.
11 Like a mere shadow fleets my life away,
And my whole system feels a swift decay.
12 But thou, O Lord, for ever art the same,
And all our after-race shall hymn thy name;
13 Rise then, blest father; bid thy love return;
No more let Sion thy dread fury mourn;
Rise, and thy wonted clemency resume,
For sure thy promis'd time to aid. is come,
14 See, how all they, who love thy sacred law,
And hail thy name with reverential awe,
Her shatter'd walls, her broken tow'rs regret,
And weep in pious tears her mournful fate.
15 Soon shall the heathen realms thy pow'r proclaim,
Soon earth's proud monarchs fear thy sacred name;
16 When thou her ancient glory shalt restore;
When she shall wail thy heavy wrath no more;
17 When thou thy mournful supplicants shalt hear,
And not, all-clement God, reject their pray'r.
18 This in eternal tablets shall be writ,
That times to come thy pow'r may not forget;
That people yet unborn may give thee praise,
And sing thy glory in immortal lays;
19 Gracious 'cause thou from thy etherial throne
Didst with an eye of love on man look down,
20 The sighs, the groans, of captive souls didst hear,
And freed'st the death-devoted prisoner:
21 That Sion's hill thy glory might resound,
And Salem sing thy name to realms around,
22 While distant nations croud thy sacred dome,
And sov'reign princes with their victims come.
23 Tho', while my race I run, my strength decays,
Tho' thou depriv'st. my life of half it's days;
24 To thee, O God, still fervently I'll pray;
O take me not in my mid-age away;
To everlasting time extend thy years;
25 Thy pow'r eternal in thy works appears,
This earth, that sprung from nought at thy command,
Yon heav'ns, the bright creation of thy hand.
26 They all shall die, and, like a worn-out vest,
Grow worse by age, while thou'lt for ever last;
Great change, great alteration, shall they feel,
27 While thou, great God, within thyself dost dwell,
Eternally the fame; and dost display
Thy pow'r to-day--to-morrow--yesterday.
28 Nay; e'en the faithful race, that worship thee,
Have their blest share in thy eternity;
Tho' born in time, tho' creatures of thy hand,
Immortal are their souls, and have no end.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #CII