1 My life is filled with sunshine,
My heart is cleansed from sin;
All grief and fear are banished,
And Jesus reigns within;
He heals my broken spirit,
Restores my stricken soul;
His blessed Spirit speaks within,
“The Lord hath made thee whole.”
He has taken all my sins away,
I am trusting in the Lord today;
O hallelujah!
I have plunged into the flood of Jesus’ precious blood;
It reconciles my heart to God.
2 My sins, by grace forgiven,
Can ne’er condemn me more;
I dwell by faith in heaven,
Where Christ has gone before;
And when my King shall call me
Beyond the pearly gate,
I’ll reach the realms of fadeless day,
Where endless joys await.
He has taken all my sins away,
I am trusting in the Lord today;
O hallelujah!
I have plunged into the flood of Jesus’ precious blood;
It reconciles my heart to God.
3 From Calv’ry’s holy mountain,
From Jesus’ wounded side,
There flows a crimson fountain;
Plunge in this healing tide.
Thy sins shall be forgiven,
Thy life made pure as snow;
And greater than the bliss of heav’n,
The peace thy soul shall know.
Then, O come to Jesus Christ today,
All thy burdens he will take away;
Now claim the blessing!
He will cleanse thee in his blood, the healing crimson flood,
And reconcile thy heart to God.
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #76